
wave energy formula

Wave Energy Index

Theoretical potential of wave energy in a country :

Average wave energy per meter in one hour (kilowatt hours / meter) * country coastline (meter) * 24 hours * 365 days = result (kilowatt hours / year)

Applicable potential of Wave energy :

5% of theoretical potential * Effectiveness of converting wave energy into electricity (25%-35%)

The Wave energy index :

a comparison of the applicable potential of wave energy with the total production and consumption of electricity

Example :


The total Argentina coastlines :

4,989 km

On South Atlantic Ocean

Coastal population percentage 20%

The average wave energy :

12.5 KW/m

Wave energy theoretical potential in Argentina :

Average wave energy 12.5 KW/m * coastline (4,989,000 m) * 24 hours * 365 days =

546 terawatt-hour/Year

Applicable potential of Wave energy in Argentina :

5% of Wave energy theoretical potential * ( efficiently conversion 30% ) =

27 terawatt-hour/Year

Wave energy index in Argentina :

Applicable potential / Total electricity consumption =

22% of Total electricity consumption