Wave Energy Potentials in Europe

The total coastline of Europe 202,000 km Coastal population percentage in Europe 41% The annual average of wave energy, kilowatt/meter. 30 KW/m Wave energy theoretical potential in Europe, Terawatt hours per year. 50,000 TWh/y Wave energy’s applicable potential in Europe (5% of theoretical potential) 2,500 TWh/y Gross electricity production in Europe (2018) 2,941 TWh Electricity produced by Tide & Wave energies in …

Wave energy potential in Mauritania

– – The total coastlines of Mauritania : 754 km on North Atlantic Ocean Coastal population percentage : 35% The average wave energy : 17.5 KW/m Wave energy theoretical potential : 116 TWh/y Wave energy applicable potential : 6 TWh/y Total electricity consumption: 1.06 TWh (2016) Tide & Wave energies sharing to the total electricity production …